giovedì 26 agosto 2010

SEGA's Free Stuff Friday - August 27, 2010

Come consuetudine ecco lista e video dei premi di questo venerdì:

1. Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns – Wii
Just released this week! Two old-school arcade classics come together in one great shooter for the Wii.

2. Bayonetta – X360 or PS3
A great action game, and your chance to pick it up if you haven’t yet. Your choice of platform.

3. Skies of Arcadia Legends – Game Cube
We didn’t really burn them all! This is a popular item, so here’s another chance at one.

4. Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2 – Game Cube
Another Game Cube classic!

5. Valkyria Chronicles II (PSP) and Valkyria Chronicles I Art Book
Super brand new! Get the awesome sequel in Valkyria Chronicles series, along with a limited-edition art book from the first game.

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